Here InPersona & Helo Medical Device is a wearable crypto-mining medical monitoring watch that is part of the Blockchain Innovation category. The inPersona and Helo Medical Devices use blockchain, which mines crypto in the Web 3.0 world. It has medical-grade sensors that help analyze various internal and external functions and effects.
It will monitor your blood pressure, body temperature, and oxygen levels. After monitoring you for a few days, if you need to relax and unwind, monitor your stress and energy levels by understanding how your lifestyle affects you daily. It can help your weight loss journey by providing information about your body composition. Your weight represents the muscles, bones, fluids, and any extra body fat. You can combine your health and weight with our Health & Fitness category.
InPersona is a metaverse platform that incentivizes positive health and lifestyle behaviors. It is the first Web 3 d-app that uses your heartbeat to mine crypto. The future of digital health data-in-person is developed on the Vyvo Smart Chain. Building our community helps create the first decentralized digital health platform. Now you can finally own your wearable data. How it works: You mint your data using NFT. Choose from Data-NFT levels 1, 2, and 3, and select the free device you’d like. Each level enables different features in the Socialfi reward systems.
Connect your compatible device to your NFT. Stay healthy and mine crypto just by wearing your device. Share InPersona and earn rewards. A revolutionary Health Fi and Social Fi rewards program funded by data mining and inPersona global Data-NFT revenue
Crypto-Mining and Medical Monitoring Watch
Watch this short video and learn how your crypto-mining medical monitoring can pay you!
A revolutionary social and fitness program We believe your wearable data is yours. You should own it, and you should profit from it. Wear-Share-Earn. It’s simple: wear your device, share it with others, and enjoy the rewards. Earn by improving your health and helping us expand our community. HealthFi Rewards: 70% of all data mining revenue is paid out to our community. Social Fi Rewards: 35% of all data-NFT revenue is paid out to our community. How it works: You earn rewards from mined data (NFT) and data mining. There are two types of rewards. 1) Personal Rewards: Earned from your data and from the people you have invited. 2) Community rewards: earned from the in-person community that you have built.
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